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Saturday, April 2, 2011

Red Thread: Tess Bates

I read this quote the other day, “An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet, regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break” - an ancient Chinese belief.

I would call this happenstance fate, or divine intervention.

We all have people in our lives that have shaped us in some way or another. I truly believe God puts people in our lives for a reason. I also believe that those people will find us in one way or another. I do believe that God plans occurrences, but I believe that he leaves enough wiggle room for us to move around in. Let me explain:

One of the most influential persons in my life in high school was a beautiful individual named Swimmy Kimmy. We met during my youth group's summer adventure trip in Wisconsin as she was one of our group's trip guides. To make an extremely long story short, she turned out to be a huge mentor figure in my life. Little did we know that we had attended the same church, worked at the same camp, and lived in towns near each other for years. You see, I believe Kimmy was supposed to be in my life one way or another, and God gave us many chances to get to know one another. We just so happened to cross paths at that specific adventure trip that summer, and so the course of fate continued in our lives.

We think that our lives are mapped out in one specific direction. This is not so. If we are supposed to meet someone, we will. As the quote from above says time, place, and circumstance are not deterring factors from meeting people that we absolutely need in our lives.

I am so thankful for this very fact of existence. I made some new friends this semester, and I'm sure they know who they are (Jen and Aranda), and I absolutely need these people in my life. I believe the divine intervention of God sped the process of meeting them up to this specific season in my life. The things is, we have this invisible thread that connects us, and time will tell, but it is bound never to be broken. It didn't matter that I met Jen in Intro to Lit, because I could have accidentally ran into her scooter, or met her through mutual friends. It didn't matter that Aranda is roommates with Jen, because I could have met her by reading her blog posts. We somehow found each other, and now we're living life together in community.

Hold onto people like that. Leave room for God to open doors that lead you to these types of people. And don't worry, you will meet them somehow, someway, someday.

Namaste and Love,
Tess Bates

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